Week 10
Note: I have changed my business name to Dawn Media and for the business will be going by my middle name, Christine! Either name for class is fine :)
For my business I think it would be best to send a newsletter once a month, like a game plan for clients' businesses. Information I could use would probably be a rough posting schedule for subscribers to use as a template for their social media accounts, a few inspirational quotes, articles for them to check out, and some sort of call to action.
I like the idea of a schedule because I've seen a lot of businesses post them and they always get great responses - I would crosspost this schedule to social media a few days later, making the newsletter a sneak peek at the month's content. People also respond well to inspirational quotes. Linking articles straight to my clients' inboxes would help them feel like they're getting exclusive content as I most likely wouldn't devote time to posting other people's content on my own page.
I like your idea of sharing a schedule like that. It really does give a personalized feel to a newsletter.