Week 9 A
Adding personal touches to your business's social media is a great way to connect with your clients and potential clients. In my assignments for my own social media consulting business I've had to look for other businesses in the same field, and in doing so I came across a variation of levels of personal posts. Some accounts had absolutely zero posts to indicate who was behind the business, not even a slight idea! These accounts felt very stale and non-relatable, very vague in who they want their clientele to be, and if I were a client I would probably look for someone else. I've also come across accounts that were sort of mostly personal accounts with touches of marketing and consulting tips and advice.
The accounts with the most success I've seen are the ones that focus on how consulting/marketing can help the reader personally succeed (by taking their masterclass, etc) and posting success stories. These accounts have just enough personal posts or anecdotes (always somehow related to their business which is super smart) to make their followers invested in who they are as a person, seeing their success, and trusting their success to lend success to them too.
I think personal touches on business accounts are great for smaller companies. I enjoy seeing little anecdotes on baking blogs, especially when it has to do with how many tries it took them to get the recipe right! For some reason that always encourages me to try the recipe over other ones because the author put a lot of effort into perfecting it. If the business were like, a law firm or something, then I would expect there to be less or none of those types of posts! I've seen serious-leaning local businesses add a personable element through "meet the employee" type posts, which I think is great. It's exactly the right amount I would expect.
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