Week 13 B

On Facebook I made 3 similar advertisements. I tried to make them have a voice versus having an ad that says something like "Check out our page for 25% any one of our services!". Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just never find those posts super engaging unless it's something really good. I addressed "Entrepreneurs" directly, hopefully engaging people who may identify as someone who is or wants to be an entrepreneur. I acknowledge that this might come off as impersonal in its own way, but hopefully it comes off as attention-grabbing instead of borderline weird and scammy. 

The objectives Facebook focuses on are divided into awareness, consideration, and conversion objectives. This essentially gives you three considerations: How you want to generate interest, how you want to target potential clients, and how to turn that interest into a sale. I would narrow my focus down to targeting clients by specifying the location I want my ad to be seen (for example, I think for Facebook I intended my ad to reach people within a 10 mile radius of Escondido). Looking for people to engage with locally is never a bad idea and makes much more sense for a consulting business to do than to try working nationally before establishing itself.

Just to preface these ads, I didn't realize you could preview the ad because I didn't scroll up. Totally obvious but I didn't even think of it! I also didn't mean for the heading to be "Dear Entrepreneur" in the second one. My bad!




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